To be updated: Apply for Vanity Call Sign

Apply for Vanity Call Sign
Click “File Online”
Login with FRN
Click Request Vanity Call Sign on the right side
Choose No for fee status
Choose primary station preference list
Search for available callsigns. Use your region number. E.g., 6 means California.
Input up to 20 desired call signs

By Wenguang Wang KA6WWG


Short call signs like 2#2, 1#2, 2#1 call signs only for Extra Amateur Radio Licensed member. Technician and General CAN APPLY Vanity Call Signs, but only can apply for longer ones.

Since Technician and General has same limits on length of call sign. When update from Technician to General, only level will be updated on FCC Website, NO new call sign will be issued. When update from Technician or General to Extra, examinee can choose optional call sign update to 2#2 or not.


  1. 只要你已经被分配了一个呼号,你就可以折腾着换了。
  2. 非Extra的 只能选6位或以上长度的呼号。

Robina NE3G

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