About HAM Radio Exam
Two Types
- Virtual Exam session: added on 2020, you may find test session at:
https://hamstudy.org/sessions- You need cameras and e-sign tools for
Virtual Exam - You need download CSCE and fill it after you pass the
Virtual Exam
- You need cameras and e-sign tools for
- On-site Exam session:
http://www.arrl.org/find-an-amateur-radio-license-exam-session- Paper works are provided by Volunteer Examiners on site
Ham Radio Exam levels
- There are currently 3 levels in HAM Radio exam: Technician, General, and Extra. Each level have different privilege of Frequencies allowable on air.
- You need pass each level before move on to next one. And you can get pass levels in same exam session if you are well prepared enough.
- You need pass exams and get a call sign before using Armature Radio on air. Do following rule when you use the radio, or you will get fined or license revoked.
Before exam, things need be done
- Get yourself a FCC Registration Number (FRN) from FCC Website https://apps.fcc.gov/cores/userLogin.do.
- Get your self ready with Exam questions.
- Find yourself an exam location. You may find exam sessions here: http://www.arrl.org/find-an-amateur-radio-license-exam-session. Note: Only type in one key word when search.
- Contact the exam session manager for appointment or any question encounter.
How to get your self ready for Exam
Pending on how many levels you plan to get passed on the exam day. Till pass of Extra, you are welcomed to challenge next level when you pass any level of exam. No extra charged in same exam session. Yes, you can pass all 3 levels with one payment(there are on-site exam session & Virtual Exam’s while fee varies up to $15. If no pass of exam, need pay for another one).
Question Pools
All latest exam’s question pool can be found form: http://www.arrl.org/question-pools. NOTE, Ham exams are using same questions BUT answers with different sequence, that means you need to remember the answers not ABCD selections. On 6/2/2020, questions for each level as shown in below:
Exam level : Question pool in total
1 Technician (Effective 7/01/2022-6/30/2026) : 411
2 General (Effective 7/1/2023-6/30/2027) : 428
3 Extra (Effective 7/01/ 2020-6/30/2024) : 619
4. Extra (Effective 7/01/ 2024-6/30/2028) : 602
You need get 74% correction to pass the HAM Radio exam. 26/35 for Technician and General while 37/50 for Extra.
Took-kits for Examinee
There are different tool-kits that designed for Examinee to successes. Choose the one fit or most convenient for you.
For mock exams, likely when you get 85% corrections in mock tests, you are ready. For long term benefit, learn to use, not pass tests. Or you need to re-study later.
- Websites. Especially the ones can cache your errors for review, flash cards for understanding. Following 2 websites are popular.
- Apps on Smart phones (Android and iPhone), personally I use free ones Named “HamRadioExam” by Roy Watson.
- Official License Manuals: http://www.arrl.org/shop/search.php?mode=search&page=1
- Armature Radio License Classes: http://www.arrl.org/find-an-amateur-radio-license-class
During the exam day
- Bring your ID e.g. driver license or Passport.
- Bring your previous Amateur Radio License that downloaded form FCC and signed. Only if you don’t have a currently valid HAM license, you may bring equivalent prof like Certification of Successful Complete of Exam you got when passed last time.
- For on-site testing:
- Don’t need to bring any electronics devices. It is a paper based test, no electronics devices with memory cannot be used during the test. If you need a calculator, ensure it is memory free and you can proof it is okay with the Volunteer Examiners on site.
- For virtual testing:
- You need 2 devices for the testing, one laptop can share the monitor, another with camera can share the testing environment during the test.
After your pass of exam
- You will get a signed Certification of Successful Complete of Exam. Volunteer Examiners on site will tell you when your new call sign or update of your information will be ready on FCC website. For new license candidate, wait until you have your new license one show up on FCC website. Follow instructions to pay the $35 fee, then you will get you call sign. Or if you take exam for upgrade, following on back of Certification of Successful Complete of Exam when you want to use your new level privilege.
- Note: 2 factor authentication now required for FCC log in.
- Wait till you have your call sign, or you cannot go on air.
- Your call sign only be valid for 10 years, don’t forgot extend it on time. And it is $35.
- You can renewal the license within 90 days prior the expiration date or within 2 years after.
- You may apply a Vanity call sign(customize your call sign, $35) on FCC website. Rules of how many character and number combinations and available call signed can be found at: http://www.arrl.org/vanity-call-signs and http://www.radioqth.net/vanity/available. Steps for Vanity call sign application can be found in apply for vanity call sign.
Created at 2/2/2019
2nd updated at 6/3/2020
3rd update at 4/20/2024
Corrections and suggestions? Please comment. 😀
Note: there likely be delay in comment response. Since this web-page is for information sharing not for discussion. Sorry.
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